Results for 'Tamra B. Orr'

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  1. Requests for "inappropriate" treatment based on religious beliefs.R. D. Orr & L. B. Genesen - 1997 - Journal of Medical Ethics 23 (3):142-147.
    Requests by patients or their families for treatment which the patient's physician considers to be "inappropriate" are becoming more frequent than refusals of treatment which the physician considers appropriate. Such requests are often based on the patient's religious beliefs about the attributes of God (sovereignty, omnipotence), the attributes of persons (sanctity of life), or the individual's personal relationship with God (communication, commands, etc). We present four such cases and discuss some of the basic religious tenets of the three Abrahamic faith (...)
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    Research on behavior impairment due to stress: An experiment in long-term performance.David B. Orr - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (1):94.
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    Medicine, ethics and religion: rational or irrational?R. D. Orr & L. B. Genesen - 1998 - Journal of Medical Ethics 24 (6):385-387.
    Savulescu maintains that our paper, which encourages clinicians to honour requests for "inappropriate treatment" is prejudicial to his atheistic beliefs, and therefore wrong. In this paper we clarify and expand on our ideas, and respond to his assertion that medicine, ethics and atheism are objective, rational and true, while religion is irrational and false.
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    Metacontrast can be obtained in the fovea: An examination of retinal location and target size.Lester A. Lefton & Terry B. Orr - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (2):169-172.
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    SUNY series in Constructive Postmodern Thought David Ray Griffin, series editor.David Ray Griffin, David Ray Griflin, William A. Beardslee, Joe Holland, Huston Smith, Robert Inchausti, David W. Orr, John B. Cobb Jr, Marcus P. Ford & Pete Ay Gunter - 2003 - In Timothy E. Eastman & Henry Keeton, Physics and Whitehead: Quantum, Process, and Experience. Albany, USA: State University of New York Press.
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    A Contemporary in Dissent: Johann Georg Hamann as a Radical Enlightener by Oswald Bayer (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2012) xx + 234 pp.James Orr - 2013 - Modern Theology 29 (1):187-189.
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    orres's Le Probleme Mondial. [REVIEW]W. B. Pitkin - 1915 - Journal of Philosophy 12 (8):219.
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    Local Styles and Experimental LogicHistory of the American Physiological Society: The First Century, 1887 - 1987. John R. Brobeck, Orr E. Reynolds, Toby A. AppelPhysiology in the American Context, 1850 - 1940. Gerald L. GeisonWalter B. Cannon: The Life and Times of a Young Scientist. Saul Benison, A. Clifford Barger, Elin L. WolfeThe Development of American Physiology: Scientific Medicine in the Nineteenth Century. W. Bruce FyeThe Investigative Enterprise: Experimental Physiology in Nineteenth-Century Medicine. William Coleman, Frederic L. Holmes. [REVIEW]Steve Sturdy - 1989 - Isis 80 (2):289-294.
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    The Changing Face of Health Care: Edited by John Kilner, Robert Orr and Judith Shelley, Michigan, Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co and Cumbria, Paternoster Press, 1998, 314 pages, US$19.00. [REVIEW]Deirdre Fetherstonhaugh - 2000 - Journal of Medical Ethics 26 (2):149-150.
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    Perceptions of ‘Precision’ and ‘Personalised’ Medicine in Singapore and Associated Ethical Issues.Serene Ong, Jeffrey Ling, Angela Ballantyne, Tamra Lysaght & Vicki Xafis - 2021 - Asian Bioethics Review 13 (2):179-194.
    Governments are investing in precision medicine with the aim of improving healthcare through the use of genomic analyses and data analytics to develop tailored treatment approaches for individual patients. The success of PM is contingent upon clear public communications that engender trust and secure the social licence to collect and share large population-wide data sets because specific consent for each data re-use is impractical. Variation in the terminology used by different programmes used to describe PM may hinder clear communication and (...)
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    A case for justified non-voluntary active euthanasia: exploring the ethics of the groningen protocol.B. A. Manninen - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (11):643-651.
    One of the most recent controversies to arise in the field of bioethics concerns the ethics for the Groningen Protocol: the guidelines proposed by the Groningen Academic Hospital in The Netherlands, which would permit doctors to actively euthanise terminally ill infants who are suffering. The Groningen Protocol has been met with an intense amount of criticism, some even calling it a relapse into a Hitleresque style of eugenics, where people with disabilities are killed solely because of their handicaps. The purpose (...)
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    The Unity of the Vices.Jonathan Jacobs & John Zeis - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):641-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE UNITY OF THE VICES JONATHAN JACOBS Oolgate University, Hamilton, New York JOHN ZEIS Oanisius Ooilege, Buffalo, New York W:E SOMETIMES describe someone 1rus "just plain,, ' ' • • 0 " ' ' • • mean, or Just plam d1shonesit, orr JUSt pJam unw." Or we say" thaJt wrus ·a just plain ·stupid thing rto do.," G~a:liizing from tlhese and lik!e descriiptions, we can ask, are there any (...)
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    Male Infant Circumcision as a 'HIV Vaccine'.B. Lyons - 2013 - Public Health Ethics 6 (1):90-103.
    This article deals with the specific claim that prophylactic male infant circumcision should be employed to prevent HIV transmission in countries in which the prevalence of HIV is relatively low. In a recent editorial, Australian researchers sought to promote the procedure as a ‘surgical vaccine’ against HIV in their country. This raises the question whether it would be reasonable for the UK to adopt a policy of mass infant male circumcision in order to protect individuals from heterosexually acquired infection with (...)
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  14. Duns Scot.B. Landry - 1922 - Paris,: A. Alcan.
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  15. Novel approaches to the assessment of frontal damage and executive deficits.B. Levine, D. I. Katz, L. Dade, S. E. Black, D. T. Stuss & R. T. Knight - 2002 - In Donald T. Stuss & Robert T. Knight, Principles of Frontal Lobe Function. Oxford University Press.
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  16. Broken relations, merleauponty and Foucault on ontogeny and history. 2.B. Liebsch - 1994 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 101 (2):394-410.
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    Credit for discoveries: Citation data as a basis for history of science analysis.B. I. B. Lindahl, Aant Elzinga & Alfred Welljams-Dorof - 1998 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 19 (6):609-620.
    Citation data have become an increasingly significant source of information for historians, sociologists, and other researchers studying the evolution of science. In the past few decades elaborate methodologies have been developed for the use of citation data in the study of the modern history of science. This article focuses on how citation indexes make it possible to trace the background and development of discoveries as well as to assess the credit that publishing scientists assign to particular discoverers. Kuhn's notion of (...)
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  18. Emerging Cosmology #1 898.B. Lovell - 1981 - Columbia University Press.
  19. Attribution processes.B. F. Malle - 2001 - In Neil J. Smelser & Paul B. Baltes, International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Elsevier. pp. 14--913.
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    Nauka i alternativnye formy znanii︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.B. V. Markov (ed.) - 1995 - Sankt-Peterburg: Izd-vo S.-Peterburgskogo universiteta.
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    Sentience.B. Powell - 1978 - Philosophical Quarterly 28 (113):358-360.
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    g−2 and the Trust in Experimental Results.B. Lautrup & H. Zinkernagel - 1999 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 30 (1):85-110.
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    Defending and Declaring the Faith: Some Scottish Examples 1860-1920.Alan P. F. Sell - 1987 - Wipf & Stock.
    Between 1860-1920 a number of distinguished Scottish theologians grappled with the problems of reconciling a biblical faith with current philosophical and theological trends. Alan Sell has selected eight of these: John Kennedy of Dingwall ; Robert Flint ; John Caird ; A. B. Bruce ; James Iverach ; James Orr ; D. W. Forrest ; and James Denney. The book is not only of historical interest; many of the issues confronted by these scholars are also of contemporary interest. Professor James (...)
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    К итогам Философского конгресса.Е. B. Вострикова & Ю. С Моркина - 2006 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 7 (1):191-195.
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  25. ALLAN D. J., "Aristote, le Philosophe".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:512.
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  26. BETTONI E., "Duns Scotus: the Basic Principles of his Philosophy".B. A. B. A. - 1961 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 53:435.
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    Nowe czasopisma w Polsce.B. S. A. - 1967 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 15 (1):171-172.
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  28. GENTILE G., "I problemi della scolastica e il pensiero italiano".B. A. B. A. - 1963 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 55:573.
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    (1 other version)The neuroscience of goal-directed behavior.B. Satpute Ajay, N. Ochsner Kevin & David Badre - 2012 - In Henk Aarts & Andrew J. Elliot, Goal-directed behavior. New York, NY: Psychology Press.
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    Art, Religion and the Supernatural in an African World: The Limit of Horn's Model.B. Ajibade - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 8 (2).
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    Ethical Issues in the New Genetics: Are Genes Us?B. Almond & M. Parker (eds.) - 2003 - Ashgate.
    "This title was first published in 2003.Developments in genetic science are opening up new possibilities for human beings; both the creation and the shaping of human life are now possible in the laboratory. As these techniques develop, questions are increasingly asked about how far everything that is scientifically possible should - morally, legally and socially - be pursued. Whilst much attention and policy-making has focussed on the development of regulation of technologies affecting human reproduction, regulation where plants and animals are (...)
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  32. MANASSE E. M., "Bücher über Platon", I: "in englischer sprache".B. A. B. A. - 1962 - Rivista di Filosofia Neo-Scolastica 54:123.
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  33. Vzaimosvi︠a︡zʹ kategoriĭ schastʹi︠a︡ i smysla zhizni.B. N. Popov & D. S. Makarov - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by D. S. Makarov.
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  34. Ideologicheskie techenii︠a︡ sovremennoĭ I︠A︡ponii: kriticheskiĭ analiz.B. V. Pospelov - 1988 - Moskva: "Nauka," Glav. red. vostochnoĭ lit-ry.
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  35. Rat︠s︡ionalʹnostʹ i istoricheskoe edinstvo nauchnogo znanii︠a︡: gnoseologicheskiĭ aspekt.B. I. Pruzhinin & V. A. Lektorskii - 1986 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by V. A. Lektorskiĭ.
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  36. Denis Kambouchner, L'homme des passions. Commentaires sur Descartes.B. Timmermans - forthcoming - Revue Internationale de Philosophie.
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    XI.Beiträge Zur Kritik Von Aeschylos’ Choephoren.B. Todt - 1882 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 41 (1-4):385-413.
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    2. Szenisches zum Hautontimorumenos des Terenz.B. Warnecke - 1928 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 84 (1-4).
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  39. Das "Sein" des Freien.B. Wigersma - 1930 - Rivista di Filosofia 19:82.
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  40. Wewnętrzne i zewnętrzne racje do działania.B. Williams - 2010 - Etyka 43.
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  41. Art history, Sartre and identity in Rosenberg's America.B. Winkenweder - 1998 - In Donald Kuspit, Art Criticism. pp. 13--2.
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  42. Entailments and Independence in Join-Semilattices.B. Wolniewicz - 1989 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 18:1.
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  43. An Aspect of Wittgenstein’s Development,.B. A. Worthington - 1982 - Epistemologia (Italy) 5 (1).
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  44. Chesterton's Influence on Orwell.B. A. Worthington - 1987 - Quaderni Del Dipartimento di Lingue E Letterature Straniere Moderne 1.
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    St. Thomas.B. J. W. - 1929 - Modern Schoolman 5 (2):12-12.
  46. A proposito dell'epistolario di Chèone d'Eraclea'.B. Zucchelli - 1986 - Paideia 41:13-24.
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  47. On Transcendentalism.B. E. Oguah - 1973
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    La Nuova Scienza. (Juin 1891 — janvier 1892).B. Perez - 1893 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 35:101 - 103.
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  49. Is Comparative Politics Useful? If so, for What?B. Guy Peters - 2015 - In Gerry Stoker, B. Guy Peters & Jon Pierre, The relevance of political science. New York: Palgrave.
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    Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao.B. Sambasiva Prasad - 2022 - Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research 39 (1):55-56.
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